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FAQs on pellet making machine, pellet mill, or other related equipment. Common problems when using the pellet machine and how to solve it.

2019-11-18 14:12:24

Selection and installation of small feed pellet mill


Since the chicken farm located in base, to keep the chicken meat and eggs taste delicious, nutrient rich characteristics, we adopt their formulation, feed raw materials to buy their own, their own processing and preparation methods of farming. Therefore, the introduction of a small base feed processing unit, it mainly includes three parts: mill, hoist, mixer. Following the selection and installation technology:

1, Crusher is the most commonly used feed processing machinery, the current domestic production of main hammer mill and roller mill. According to the different kinds of crusher feeding requirements will crush the raw material particles of different size. Because of the different types of machines, processing volume per hour is different, with different types of motor. Can choose according to the scale of farming. General chicken factory should be purchased two units, one use, Taiwan reserve.

2, Mixers are divided into two kinds of conventional feed mixer and additive mixer. There are two kinds of vertical and horizontal feed mixer. Vertical mixer mixing time is generally 15 minutes - 20 minutes, horizontal machine for about 10 minutes, mixing feed should be batching. Advantages of the vertical mixer is mixed evenly, less power consumption. The disadvantage is that the mixture for a long time, low productivity, charging and a charging is not full. The main working parts of the horizontal mixer are stirring blades, and the blades are divided into two layers. During the work, the blade is stirred to feed, so that the inner and outer two layers of feed are relative motion to achieve the purpose of mixing. The horizontal mixer has the advantages of high efficiency, loading, material quickly. The disadvantage is that the power consumption is large, covers an area of large, prices are also higher, so seldom used.

3, Elevator into the bucket elevator and spiral type lifting machine two, the general use of spiral type lifting machine. The installation order feed processing unit is generally installed before the mill, after the installation of the motor and drive belt. The agitator is installed beside the mill, so that the inlet and the mixer mill mouth just connected. Hoist the pit and mill imported can be connected.

Processing, the main raw material inverted pit, the elevator will be raw material lifting to crusher in crushing, and then into a mixing chamber mixer and other raw materials can be from the feed inlet directly poured into the mixing chamber. Henan Richi Husbandry Machinery Co., Ltd give you the right advice and recommendations on the feed pellet production equipment.

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