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Different chicken feed pellet formulas, different breeding effects. Which kind of chicken feed formula is more suitable for you? If you have a chicken feed making plant,or a chincken farm,you can try according to the following content.
1. Information required for diet formula design
Chicken feeding standards. Feed composition and nutritional value table. The price of various feed ingredients.
2. Design method of diet formula
The formula design of the diet is to better meet the needs of chickens for nutrients, make the nutrition in the diet balanced and comprehensive, and achieve a reasonable mix of feed, thereby obtaining a high-efficiency, low-cost diet formula. The following introduces several commonly used dietary compounding methods.
(1)Trial difference method
Also known as the counting method. Specific method: first draw up the approximate proportion of various feed ingredients based on experience, then calculate the percentage content of various nutrients contained in each raw material, and then add the content of the same nutrients of various raw materials to get the The total amount of each nutrient in the formula. Compare the obtained results with the feeding standards. If some nutrients are more or less, they can be adjusted and recalculated until all the nutrition indicators basically meet the requirements. This method has a large amount of blind calculation and it is not easy to screen out the best formula.
(2)Cross method
Also known as square method, diagonal method, etc. This method is to prepare a mixed feed that meets the requirements of a certain nutrient from two feeds. After many calculations, two kinds of feeds can be combined with two kinds of mixed feeds that can meet the requirements of up and down nutrients. This method is suitable for calculations with less feed types and nutrition indicators. If there are more nutrition indicators, the calculation is more complicated.
If using cereal feed and soybean cake with crude protein content of 10% and 40%, respectively, to prepare a mixed feed with a crude protein content of 16%, the crude protein content of the two feeds should be placed above and below the left side of the square At the two corners, the calculated crude protein content is placed in the middle of the square, and the values on the diagonals are subtracted (the larger value decreases), and the result is the share of the two feeds in the mixture. That is, 24 parts of cereals and 6 parts of bean cakes are mixed to obtain a mixture with a crude protein content of 16%. Converted to a percentage: 80% for cereals, 80%=[24÷(24+6)]×100%; 20% for bean cakes, 20%=[6÷(24+6)]×100%.
(3) Formula method
This method uses mathematically simultaneous equation solving method to calculate the feed formula, with clear structure and simple method. But when encountering multiple feeds, the calculation is more complicated. If an energy feed with a crude protein content of 8% and a protein supplement with a crude protein content of 35% are used to prepare a compound feed containing a crude protein content of 15%, the following steps may be adopted.
a. First, suppose that the energy feed accounted for x in the compound feed and the protein supplement accounted for y, then x+y=100.
b. The crude protein content of the energy feed is 8%, the crude protein content of the protein supplement is 35%, and the crude protein content of the compound feed is required to be 15%, then 0.08x+0.35y=15.
c. List the equations, find x=74.07, y=25.93. That is, 74.07% of energy feed and 25.93% of protein supplement can be mixed to obtain the required compound feed.
(4) Computer configuration method
The computer is used to screen the best diet formula. This method is fast, it can consider a variety of feed materials and nutrition indicators at the same time, and can minimize the cost of the feed formula under the conditions of satisfying various nutrition indicators and the type of feed given. To get the best formula. A good feed formula ultimately requires an experienced nutrition expert to check and revise it, and the computer can only be used as an auxiliary design.
Here are a few common chicken feed recipes recommended to you:
1.Broiler Chicken Concentrate Feed Pellet Formula
Soybean meal 53%
Cotton seed meal 18%
rape-seed cake 4.1%
Maize protein meal 8%
DDGS(distillers dried grains with soluble) 4%
Calcium bicarbonate 4%
Stone powder 4%
Corn gluten 0.9%
Grease 1.5%
Premix 2.5%
2.Laying Chicken Concentrate Feed Pellet Formula
Soybean meal 28%
Cotton seed meal 26.5%
rape-seed cake 8%
Maize protein meal 4%
DDGS(distillers dried grains with soluble) 5%
Corn germ meal 2%
Stone powder 20%
Stone powder 20%
Calcium bicarbonate 4%
Premix 2.5%
3.Baby Broiler Chicken 1% Premix Feed Pellet Formula
Broiler multi-vitamins 3.5%
Meat chicken trace elements 20%
Choline 10%
Salt 30%
Methionine 13%
Lysine 10%
Flavomycin 1.5%
Salinomycin 5%
Antioxidants 0.5%
Zeolite powder 6.5%
4.Middle Broiler Chicken 1% Premix Feed Pellet Formula
Broiler multi-vitamins 2.5%
Meat chicken trace elements 20%
Choline 10%
Salt 30%
Methionine 10%
Lysine 10%
Flavomycin 1.5%
Salinomycin 5%
Salinomycin 5%
Zeolite powder 11%
If you are looking for chicken feed pellet line,chicken feed pellet machine,welcome to contact Richi Machinery--China professional chicken poultry feed production line supplier.
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