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FAQs on pellet making machine, pellet mill, or other related equipment. Common problems when using the pellet machine and how to solve it.

2020-07-30 14:49:47

How to set up a poultry feed production line to process organic chicken feed?


How to set up a poultry feed production line to process organic chicken feed?Let's understand what is organic chicken feed first.Regarding chickens and other types of poultry, the Ministry of Agriculture of China is responsible for determining the definitions of commonly used labels, such as organic, free range, cage-free or other terms used to define farm chickens. According to the Ministry of the Beauty Industry, organic chicken farming must integrate cultural, biological and mechanical practices, including the recycling of natural resources, in order to protect biodiversity and promote ecological balance. Organic chicken feed must be grown without the use of pesticides, antibiotics, herbicides and synthetic fertilizers, and no genetically modified grains or plants.

According to EU legislation, organic chickens must be born and raised on organic farms, and their food must also come from 100% organic matter. Food should be obtained on the farm or in the same area. Non-organic feeds of plant origin, feed additives and certain products used for animal nutrition can only be used when authorized for organic production. For example, the use of synthetic amino acids and growth promoters is prohibited. The specific regulations for organic chickens also apply to other countries, depending on their legislation, but they have in common that they use the feed provided by organic farms or use organic farming methods to obtain them on the same farm where the chickens are raised.

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1、Investment in organic chicken farms

There is very little investment necessary to establish an organic chicken farm. An organic farm for chickens can start from a surface of several thousand square meters. The buildings needed for chicken can be made of cheap materials, such as wood or existing buildings. It can be used for this purpose after proper disinfection, such as stables. The farm can obtain grain and organic chicken feed to minimize chicken feed costs; such a farm has very few employees. All necessary activities can be provided by members of a family, reducing labor costs, the farm can quickly gain the trust of local customers, and sell its products on a monthly basis, which will provide financial security and higher profit predictability.

2、 Organic chicken feed pellet mill machine

Type: SZLH series chicken feed pellet mill

Application:can be used for livestock and poultry feed, ruminant feed and aquatic feed

Capacity :0.4-20T/H.

Pellet size: 0.8-15 mm.

Richi Machinery has successfully developed SZLH series ring die pellet mill by the combination of conventional European belt pellet mill with double motors and gear pellet machine. It takes both advantages of belt and gear machines, improve the weakness, and meanwhile make the pellet production more efficient, faster and save more energy, which has made great contribution to pellet mill.

Currently it has been formed pelletizing series including livestock and poultry feed, ruminant feed and aquatic feed.

factory price animal feed mill equipment for sale

3、Organic chicken feed processing plant machinery

Capacity:1-100 tons per hour.

Final Product: Pellet feed.

Pellet Size:2.0-4.0 mm.

Batching System:Manual or Automatic.

Packing System: Manual or Automatic.

①Cleaning Machine

To ensure GMP cleaning is an important aspect. Different type of cleaner used for this purpose.

②Conveying machine

All transportations like bucket elevator, screw & chain conveyor etc. for conveying RM & Finished goods.

③Grinding machine

Raw materials need to be grinded as 225 m/microne perticle size by organic chicken feed hammer mill grinder for different type of feed.

④Mixing machine

Different R/M are mixed here with additives, oil/fat, medicines, etc. Good organic chicken feed mixer ensure good quality.

⑤Pelleting machine

Produce final chicken pellet feed. A good pellet means "A complete feed" and a good organic chicken feed pellet making machine can ensure that.

⑥Cooling machine

Extruded feeds are about 70-90° C. Organic chicken feed cooling machine bring down it at normal temperature (+4° max).

⑦Screening machine

To ensure supply of quality and perfect size feed, screener plays a vital role. Uneven sizes screaned-out.

⑧Bagging machine

Ready organic chicken pellet feed need to be packed. It can be manual or automatic bagging depends on requirement.

30t/h automatic complete poultry feed pellet line with reasonable price

4. Production standard of organic layer factory (take an organic layer farm as an example)

(1) Feeding conditions

①Should provide enough space for the layer pickers to move. The stocking density in the chicken house is less than 20 birds per square meter.

②As long as the season is suitable, the layer pickers should be allowed to enter and exit freely from the chicken house.

③ The fresh air and natural sunlight necessary for the laying hens should be provided.

④ The drinking water provided to the layer pickers should be fresh and safe.

⑤Proper perches and natural litter should be provided in the layer picking house.

⑥Facilities should be provided to protect the excess sunlight, temperature, wind and rain for the layer pickers.

⑦ When natural daylight is artificially extended, the sunshine time should not exceed 16 hours.

⑧ Chickens should be kept in open chicken houses.

Poultry Chicken complete feed pellet line 10T per hour

(2) Organic laying hen feed

① All the main raw materials are the raw materials recognized by the authoritative organization, mixed with minerals and vitamins, and more than 80% of the weight of the final product is recognized raw materials.

②The trace additives are approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Water, and the addition of antibiotics, synthetic antibacterial agents and synthetic chemical substances is prohibited.

③When there is no pasture and grassland, organically cultivated cereals or grasses recognized by the authority must be provided.

④ When the organic feed certified by the authority cannot be purchased, or when extreme weather is encountered, and the supply is insufficient in the future, the certified organic feed specially approved by the Certification Committee can be purchased. The use of these feeds should be fully recorded and subject to prior approval by the Accreditation Committee.

⑤It is forbidden to feed artificial roughage, urea, intentional organic fertilizer, and similar behaviors.

⑥ It is forbidden to implement forced moulting of chickens.

(3) Health management

① The first priority for disease prevention is a clean environment, good nutrition, and no urgent feeding management.

② In the area to be disinfected, all chickens must be removed and chicken manure should be removed as much as possible.

③ Detergents and disinfectants should be disinfected with natural resources such as soap, biodegradable detergent, 5% iodine, 1% potassium permanganate solution, limestone and so on.

④ The administration of vaccines for the purpose of disease prevention and antibody promotion is acceptable. In particular, the administration of vaccines for legal infectious diseases must be implemented, but not abused.

⑤ If chickens need to rely on non-organic treatments, they should be removed from healthy flocks. At this time, eggs produced from the chicken are not allowed to be sold as certified organic products.

5. Production standard of organic broiler factory (take a broiler farm as an example)

(1) Feeding conditions

① The environmental management of broilers must consider the welfare of the chickens and provide the following items.

② Feeding places (chicken coops, squares, fences, etc.) should be able to provide sufficient and fresh air, and necessary natural sunlight (artificial lighting is also acceptable).

③The breeding density in the chicken house is less than 35 chickens per square meter.

④The space available for exercise should have an appropriate width, and should be set up outdoors.

⑤ Very fresh water and feed should be provided.

⑥ Appropriate facilities should be provided to protect chickens from exposure to excess sunlight, temperature, wind and rain.

⑦ Chickens should be raised in open chicken coops.

(2) Organic broiler feed

① All the main raw materials shall be the raw materials approved by the authoritative organization, mixed with minerals and vitamins, and more than 70% of the final product weight shall be approved raw materials.

② All trace additives must be approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Water, and they must not be mixed with antibiotics, synthetic antibacterial agents and synthetic chemical substances. However, synthetic amino acids can be used.

③ If it is difficult to purchase organic feed recognized by the authority, or when the supply is insufficient due to extreme bad weather, the certified organic feed specially recognized by the Accreditation Committee can be purchased. The use of these feeds requires detailed records and is subject to prior approval by the Accreditation Committee.

(3) Health management

① The first priority for disease prevention is a clean environment, good nutrition, and no urgent feeding management.

② In the area to be disinfected, all chickens must be removed and chicken manure should be removed as much as possible. However, except when using microbial agents.

③ Detergents and disinfectants should be disinfected with natural resources such as soap, biodegradable detergent, 5% iodine, 1% potassium permanganate solution, limestone and so on.

④The administration of vaccines for disease prevention and antibody promotion is acceptable. In particular, the administration of vaccines for legal infectious diseases must be implemented, but not abused.

⑤ If chickens need to rely on non-organic treatments, they should be removed from healthy flocks. The chicken is not allowed to be sold as a certified organic product.

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