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2019-11-18 13:48:23

Let me tell you why the animal feed needs a professional pellet machine


Why Use Pellet Machinery for Making Animal Feed?

Animal feed pellet machinery can be electric flat die feed pellet mill, diesel flat die feed pellet mill or ring die feed pellet mill according to the production scale. They are the feed pellet machinery for sale in the global market. Flat die feed pellet mill is mainly used as small scale farm-use or personal use feed pellet machinery, while ring die feed pellet mill is chosen as medium and large sized feed pellet machinery in feed pellet plant.

By combining moisture, heat and pressure on feed ingredients, each of these feed pellet machinery can produce a finely divided , sometimes dusty, unpalatable and difficult-to-handle feed material into nutritious pelleted feed for animals and poultry. Pellets diameter is generally from 2 to 10 mm. Pelleted feed made by feed pellet machinery can make animals have better performance than a meal ration. Good quality pellets have several benefits: the heat generated in conditioning and pelletizing process can make the feedstuffs more digestible by breaking down starches; reduce waste and less segregation in the feed; improve palatability and short eating period; and thus improve animal performance and feed efficiency. Last but not least, bulk density is increased, which enhances storage capabilities of most bulk facilities, and thereby reduces transportation cost.

Why Use Pellet Machinery for Making Aquatic Feed?

The most common used fish feed pellet machinery is fish feed extruder which is utilized to produce extruded fish feed pellets. According to the differences in the extrusion process, fish feed extruder are classified into two types, namely dry type fish feed extruder and wet type fish feed extruder. By using different types of screw to control the density of finished fish feed pellet, fish feed extruder can produce floating, sinking and slow sinking fish feeds based on the feeding characteristics and habits of fishes; extrusion cooking processing can destroy the pathogens and most viruses and reduce the toxin levels in the feed ingredients; extrusion processing can allow us to use wet feed ingredients with moisture content of 22-42% to make feed in single screw fish feed extruder; extrusion allow fish feed manufacturers to make high fat feed and the fat content can be up to 50%; extruded fish feed pellet machinery can manufacture different sizes and shapes aquafeed and the extruded fish feed pellets are stable in water for a long duration so they can reduce nutrients loses; extruded pellet machinery can make aquafeed more resistant to mechanical durability and fewer fines during transportation.

Another type of fish feed pellet machinery is ring die aquatic feed pellet mill. The feed pellets made by this pellet machinery are sinking feed pellets and dense, lower in moisture. Ring die feed pellet machinery offers low processing cost and higher output to the aquatic feed industry.

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