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Identification of the particulate material processing quality is good or bad, mainly in the following aspects:
1.The stability of feed pellets. Mainly refers to the particles after molding to maintain the original geometry characteristics in cooling, grading, transport, storage process.
2.The appearance quality of feed pellets. Mainly refers to the particle surface is smooth, particle color, consistency length etc..
3.The hardness of feed pellets. Fed different animal, on the particle material hardness is not the same. Such as pig feed hardness is low, the duck feeding, fish feed hardness higher requirements.
4.The curing degree of feed pellets. The curing degree of particles is conducive to high animal digestion and absorption, often through the detection of starch gelatinization degree evaluation.
5.The feed moisture. Reasonable water can improve the palatability of feed and enterprise economic benefits; and lower moisture is necessary for safe storage of feed.
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